A lot of the fun in the Tasmanian count happened below the line, but about 72% of formal votes were cast above the line, and this page lets you see the choices ATL voters made, up to preference 6. The Tasmanian population is small enough, and the number of groups few enough, that all of the formal ATL votes (up to 6) can be condensed into a JavaScript object that doesn't eat up too much of anyone's mobile data. About 85% of the ATL voters wrote precisely 6 preferences; another 5% stopped before 6, and 10% wrote at least 7.
Click on cells in the left-hand table below to explore the preferences. The 'percentages' option will ensure that each column sums to 100% when a single preference is being studied; the 'total percentages' option will show each number of votes as a percentage of all formal ATL votes in the division/state. The table to the right (you might have to scroll sideways on mobile) shows the comparison of the highlighted preferences across the divisions. The various table type options may be opaque; I have tried to make the title of the right-hand table clear once you start clicking on cells.
A cross table (see guide) simulates clicking on each cell of the right-most clicked-on column (or the first column is no cell has been clicked on), copying the next column of the main table into a row of the cross table. It also creates a second cross table, with the vote column from the division table copied into a column of the cross table. The cross table calculation for "Preference sources" may take a while on mobile.
Show party abbreviations.
Posted 2016-07-27, updated 2016-07-31 (new sorting option, divisions table), updated 2016-08-07 (new features), updated 2016-08-28 (cross tables).